
You Matter…

Have you ever woke up and had a thought: do I matter?… do I make a difference?… am I good enough? I can tell you personally I have those days and how thankful I have people in my life that remind me I matter because life can get me down. I consider myself a pretty strong woman and sometimes I think I can handle it all but truth is… Sometimes I need my family and friends to remind me I am enough… I make a difference! My husband just recently said to me, “You know Rene you give so much… You are worth celebrating a whole lot more than what I have been…” Seriously brought tears to my eyes. There was a deep part in me that needed to hear that. I am a strong woman but that doesn’t mean I don’t need to be reminded who I really am.  Now don’t get me wrong he tells me everyday he loves me and how lucky he is to have me as his wife but there was something different in what he said that touched me that I needed to hear.

Do you have people in your life that let you know you are special… that you make a difference? We all need those people that will lift us! Be one of those people to your family and friends!

Let me say with all of who I am… YOU MATTER! Maybe people don’t tell you enough but today I am telling you! If you are reading this then I want you to know the world is a better place because of YOU! For real… stop for a moment and take that in….  YOU make the world a better place!

“Scientist have calculated the odds of YOU being born. They have crunched the numbers on you being born. They took into account all the wars, natural disasters, dinosaurs and everything else. And do you realize that the odds of you being born at the moment in time you were born… to the parents you were born to, with your DNA structure. You are 1 and 400 trillion… isn’t that Amazing! You having life changing ideas… YOU MATTER! ” (excerpt from Mel Robbins Ted talk)

When you finish reading this post and go about your day, I want you to remember this… When you walk into a room, know that YOU are special, know you mean something to this world, your feelings matter, your story matters and YOU Matter!

Big Hugs!

Rene Ribley-Stevens 🙂

Live simply ~ Love generously 
Care deeply ~ Speak kindly

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