
Dr. John…

I am Dr. John Stevens and a resident of  Woodstock, GA.   I have been in private practice since 1989 and am a specialist in Spinal Decompression. I wrote a book called “A Doctor’s Action Steps to Treat His Sciatica, Back Pain & Neck Pain: Non-Surgical Solutions for 7 Debilitating Back Problems.” 

Born in Florida, I am proud to say I have two brothers who are also Chiropractors. I am so excited to be practicing with my brother Dr. Bruce. I have experienced the benefits of Chiropractic care since the age of 10. My mother was a champion figure skater, both amateur and professional, who had an accident while skating. Injuring her back and being sidelined without any results from conventional medical care, she sought a chiropractor to help her injury. This started an interest in chiropractic which lead to all three sons becoming chiropractors.

At Woodstock Health Institute, ​Dr. John utilizes many different techniques to provide you with the best  care and results possible.

Here is my own personal story:

I have had many serious injuries in my life including detached left chest muscle from my arm, both rotator cuffs torn, bicipital tendon ligament tear, right knee meniscus injury, left knee collateral ligament tear, right ankle grade IV sprains, hundreds of stitches from sports injuries to stabbing, and many broken ribs. Considering the pain experienced from every injury, I would go through ALL injuries again rather than experience the acute disc pain from my disc herniations…..I have 7 herniations, 2 of which I was told I needed surgery to correct.

…. I chose a different path…..

Life goes on in spite of a disc problem. The pace at which you live your life is a choice you get to decide upon in most cases. Following proper advice can mean the difference between living life to the fullest or barely existing, falling victim to traditional methods of treatment that allow the body to correct little or nothing while irreparable degeneration continues. The methodology is discussed in my guide, “A Doctor’s Action Steps to Treat Own Sciatica, Back Pain & Neck Pain.

I want to help you avoid wasting time, money, and potentially save your life! I have 28 years of clinical experience helping people so that you can begin living life once again rather than simply existing day to day.

Now in my 50’s, and an avid golfer, I compete in World Long Drive competitions for golf. In 2014, I won the amateur long drive competition with a drive of 406 yards in the Mile High Shoot Out. I dedicate myself to my two sons and my own as well as others journey of self-improvement.

I share this with you because I have a horrible history of trauma and I have enabled myself to compete at a world class level in spite of the injuries. You can achieve your best too if you just Get Started!

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