
Doing Life Together Group Coaching

I am offering a small intimate group coaching opportunity.
There will no no more than 5 woman in the group.


Together, we will explore:

  • What stories we tell ourselves about our lives.
  • What the voice in your head leads you to believe about yourself.
  • Why this inner voice is so hard on us and how to release its hold.
  • Who the real you is if you are not your roles, personas or the person “that voice” in your head leads you to believe you are.
  • Shame, blame, vulnerability and how that is related to living a Wholehearted life


You will learn how to:

  • Turn up the volume on your Truth, the voice of your Inner Wisdom/True Self within you.  And why this matters.
  • Release comparison and fears around what other people think of you.
  • Harness the rediscovery of who you really are to improve your relationships.
  • Take your new empowered feelings and create more of what you want in your life.
  • Discover your natural strengths


It’s about Unbecoming Who The World Has Told You To Be and

Rediscovering Who You Really Are


The Next Group Coaching Will be in September 2017

  • 4 – 1 hour over the phone group calls (all calls will be recorded) each month
  • 3- on on on personal coaching sessions to be used during the 3 months of group coaching
  • Unlimited email and text
  • Private Facebook group

If you are interested in please join my mailing list to updated on more information when we get closer.


Redwood Trees and Connection…

5a6f85adffadbf28635104c92a0e9eec“These trees are strong and beautiful, lifting skyward. But what you can not see when you stand at the foot of this tree is what’s happening underneath. A red wood can grow 350 feet tall, the roots are only, on average, about 10 feet deep. This is because they spread their roots outward, reaching for other redwood trees.  Their roots intertwine under the ground and they hold each other up. A redwood tree cannot stand on its own, and neither can we. ” – Except from The Crossroads of Should and Must

I loved that thought about redwood trees. I think I loved it because I was a woman that liked to do it alone. I was very much keep to myself and I don’t need help.  Slowly more and more I have opened my heart and realized the strength in not doing it alone, it is in allowing others to help. We are stronger together than alone. #togetherisbetter


Let's Stay Connected

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