

What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature of the mid back and/or the lower back.  Most cases of scoliosis arise due to an unknown origin, called idiopathic scoliosis.  Scoliosis impacts females more than males and is most often detected during the...
Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome

Concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome

What is a Concussion? A concussion is a mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI).  The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (1993) defines mTBI as an “acute brain injury resulting from mechanical energy to the head from external physical forces” (American Congress...
Disc Herniation

Disc Herniation

What is Disc Herniation? Between each vertebrae of the spine are intervertebral discs, or cushions for support and mobility of the spine.  The intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers for the spine.   The center of the disc, which is a liquid like substance, is...
Forward Head Posture

Forward Head Posture

What is Forward Head Posture? Forward head posture is a postural distortion pattern of the head and neck.  When your head goes forward into anterior translation or forward flexion the amount of pressure on the neck and shoulders increases. Did you know that when you...


Dr. Bruce Blog Disc Herniation by Rene Stevens | May 13, 2021 | BlogWhat is Disc Herniation? Between each vertebrae of the spine are intervertebral discs, or cushions for support and mobility of the spine.  The intervertebral discs act as shock absorbers for the...
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